The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission prioritizes providing safe and reliable transportation options for all New Yorkers. We also recognize and aim to address the needs of our licensees. All our drivers undergo background checks and drug tests. They must complete 24 hours of training, pass tests, and take a refresher course once a year.
Every time a passenger enters a TLC-authorized cab, rideshare or a community car service vehicle, they’ve entered a vehicle inspected by the TLC, with a driver vetted by the TLC.
All licensed drivers undergo training and testing that is approved by our Driver Education Unit. Our Licensing and Standards process is one of the reasons that TLC-licensed drivers are some of the safest in the city.
We also have a dedicated group of uniformed officers who enforce our rules, known as our Uniformed Services Bureau. Officers carry out enforcement of TLC-licensed drivers and vehicles – as well as unlicensed for-hire operators who pose a serious threat to public safety. The division ensures compliance of applicable TLC rules by taxi garages, FHV bases, taximeter shops and driver education schools.
We cannot do our work without the cooperation and help of the public – and we depend on consumers to alert us by calling or reaching out to 311 when they see unsafe or illegal behavior. This vital process involves reporting the illegal activity and testifying to it at hearings, which can often be done over the phone, and only when there might be a not guilty claim.
Learn more about the various ways you can spot illegal activity and report it, while helping keep yourself and fellow passengers safe.