
CareerReady NYC

the cover of the CareerReady NYC report

In the full CareerReadyNYC report you can read more about our strategy to engage and coordinate all of the City's youth workforce stakeholders to realize the career potential of young New Yorkers.  Two highlights from the report include the Career Readiness Framework which outlines key milestones for young people in attaining career success and the Employer Engagement Menu which identifies activities for employers to engage young talent.

Disconnected Youth Task Force

the cover of the Disconnected Youth Task Force report

The Disconnected Youth Task Force report, Connecting Our Future, includes demographic analysis of the OSOW population, a look at the portfolio of programs both to prevent disconnection and to re-engage those already OSOW, and recommendations to provide short-term assistance for current OSOW young adults and long-term, system-level improvements to reduce their number over time. The Task Force includes City officials, nonprofit leaders, advocates, and employers.