WTC Environmental Health Center

Frequently Asked Questions
How would I know if my health problems are related to 9/11?
It is hard to know if your health problems are due to 9/11. Some problems might include persistent symptoms, such as: shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, stomach problems, skin problems, depression, anxiety and/or nervousness.
Children may also have health or behavioral problems related to their or their family's 9/11 experience. These problems can be a result of their direct exposure on 9/11 or in response to a family member's 9/11-related medical or mental health issues.
If you think you or someone in your family may have a health problem related to 9/11, call toll free 1-888-982-4748. When you call, you will reach a person who will ask a few questions about your health problems to see if the program is right for you. If you do not speak English, you will be able to speak with someone in your language.
What will happen at my first appointment?
Your first appointment will take about 4 hours and include tests that will help guide your treatment. You may then need many follow-up visits for treatment.
How much will my care cost?
Treatment and most medications for your 9/11-related illness will be given at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
What if I have illnesses that are not related to 9/11?
We will refer you to other services for any needs you have that are not related to 9/11.
What if I have no medical problems?
This is a treatment program for people with health problems. It is not a screening program for people who have no health problems as a result of 9/11.
How do I get an appointment?
If you are new to the program call toll free 1-888-982-4748. If you are an existing patient, please call the specific clinic where you already get care. Most calls are answered right away. If you get voicemail, please leave a message with your phone number and the best time to reach you.
Is this a research program?
The main purpose of this program is to provide health care for people with 9/11-related health problems. When you come in for an exam, you will be given the opportunity to help us learn more about WTC-related illnesses by becoming part of research to understand 9/11 health effects.
You will have the opportunity to sign a consent form to have your clinical information used for this research. Your name or personal contact information will not be used.
Where can I get more information about 9/11 health issues?
Visit the New York City Department of Health website for 9/11 health issues,, for additional information and resources.
For eligibility and enrollment of people new to the program,
call toll free 1-888-WTC-HP4U (1-888-982-4748) or visit