Pursuant to New York State Law Bronx Community Board Four, is charged with the responsibility of reviewing liquor licenses. The actual approval of those licenses comes from the New York State Liquor Authority or the SLA. This is the governmental agency that grants the licenses and takes sanctions against the owner when necessary, which could include the revocation or suspension of the license. The Board, through its Economic Development Committee reviews each application and makes a recommendation to the full Board, who then votes on whether to grant a letter of support for the liquor license.
Before any license is approved or rejected, the owner (or a representative) must appear before the Economic Development Committee. They must come with the completed Community Board Four New York State Liquor Authority Application Survey and come prepared to discuss their survey responses and any questions the committee deems appropriate to make a determination for the letter of support. The Economic Development Committee will make a recommendation to the full Board for subsequent approval, which states that the Board is in favor of said new liquor license or a renewal of the establishment in question. If the Committee and Board opposes a license, the SLA is notified. However, please note that the Board's role is advisory and the SLA makes the final determination. Any and all enforcement functions against a bar are conducted by the NYPD and the SLA.
We take our role as advisory very seriously. We want to encourage business growth and economic development in a responsible manner that does not impede residents' quality of life. We have recently instituted improvements to our process which includes the Community Board Four survey and collaboration and partnership with the NYPD 44th Precinct. We are hopeful that these changes will result in a more transparent and organized processing, ultimately leading to better results for constituents as well as owners.
The procedures for review and request for renewal and approval of NYSLA liquor licenses remains the same, however you MUST complete and submit the Community Board Four New York State Liquor Authority Application Survey ten days before the scheduled meeting and you must attend the Economic Development Committee meeting for that month. (Economic Development meets the third Tuesday of the month).