2006 Solid Waste Management Plan

DSNY's 2006 Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) prioritized use of Marine Transfer Stations to manage waste equitably across the five boroughs. It also invested in recycling, advanced organics recovery, and commercial waste management.

Read the 2006 Solid Waste Management Plan.


  1. Planning Unit
  2. DSNY-Managed Waste Quantities and Projections
  3. Waste Characterization Activities
  4. Commercial Waste Quantities and Projections
  5. Biosolids, Medical Waste and Dredge Spoils Management
  6. Recycling, Waste Prevention and Composting
  7. Rationale for Amending Local Law 19
  8. DSNY Operations
  9. Commercial Waste - Status of Existing Programs
  10. Fresh Kills Closure Construction and End Use
  11. Economic Analysis of Long Term Export and Alternatives
  12. List of Public Repositories

Biennial Update Reports

Every two years, we provide NYSDEC with a progress report on our SWMP goals and achievements. These reports offer updates on new and ongoing programs and activities related to solid waste management in NYC.