Message from the Director

Thank you for visiting the Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) website and for your interest in New York City’s fiscal management.

I am proud to serve the people of New York City as the Budget Director. This agency does the very important and challenging work of funding the Mayor’s priorities, managing the City’s finances and balancing the budget, overseeing agency budgets, administering the City’s bond finance program, evaluating the fiscal impact of City policies, and more.

But I am especially proud of the role OMB has played in supporting New Yorkers during their most challenging times.

Since Hurricane Sandy devastated New York City OMB has managed more than $14 billion in federal funding used to rebuild homes, help small businesses, improve climate resilience, and strengthen damaged schools, hospitals, and housing developments.

OMB was also instrumental in helping the City meet the challenges and overcome the financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We survived the City’s greatest financial stress test without laying off employees, making major cuts to critical programs that serve at-risk New Yorkers, or taking short-term loans. And OMB has overseen the investment of billions of dollars in federal aid that will both provide for the wellbeing and education of New Yorkers and help jumpstart the City’s recovery.

I invite you to look through our website. We are committed to transparency and publish detailed budget documents. And if you are interested in learning about open positions at OMB, please visit our Careers page.

Thank you again for your interest and please contact us if you have feedback or suggestions.

Jacques Jiha, Ph.D.
NYC Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget