Queens Community Board No. 9 holds full meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Unlike most Boards, CB9 takes the show on the road and thereby makes itself more accessible to constituents and residents by moving throughout our four communities. We normally do not meet during July and August.
Our meetings feature a Public Forum at the beginning of every meeting and at the end as well! Each speaker is asked to sign in, state their name, and will then be granted three full minutes to speak about their concerns, projects, or proposed initiatives. We welcome comments and complaints. Our meetings are a great venue not only for being heard but also for listening to your neighbors and their concerns. You may find out that you're not alone with your concerns. If you have an elaborate presentation you may consider a formal presentation to the board at a future meeting where you may be granted more time for a comprehensive discussion.
Contact us with your proposed presentation
As a property owner or resident of a home you can contact CB9 to assist you in having a street tree planted. We welcome this task as we know it helps beautify our neighborhoods.
Let us help you with the greening of Queens
We can help you resolve the issue but we ask that you have the exact address and specific complaint available for our records.
Community Board No. 9, in concert with the Department of City Planning, is cognizant of the need to preserve the character of our communities while simultaneously providing for much-needed housing.
Learn more about our efforts to revise the zoning districts in our neighborhoods