Press Releases
Press Release #16-065
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Scott Gastel/Gloria Chin (212) 839-4850
NYC DOT Announces Completion of Resurfacing Goal Citywide Ahead of Schedule
Amount is largest number of lane miles resurfaced citywide in more than 25 years
New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Polly Trottenberg today announced Roadway Repair and Maintenance (RRM) crews reached and exceeded their goal of resurfacing 1,200 lane miles in the 2016 fiscal year, which concluded June 30th, 2016.
Crews resurfaced more than 1,280 lane miles (via in-house DOT crews and contracted crews) exceeding the goal of resurfacing 1,200 lane miles in FY16. The milestone is nearly the equivalent of driving from New York City to Miami, Florida, and exceeds the amount mentioned in the Mayor's resurfacing announcement this June -- which had noted how lower oil prices and good weather had allowed DOT to increase output.
In 2015, Mayor de Blasio had announced an increased $242 million investment to repave 1,200 lane miles across the five boroughs through June 2016, and 1,300 lane miles to be repaved by June 2017. Part of this commitment included the resurfacing of the FDR Drive, which was comprehensively repaved for the first time in 50 years – both on-time and on-budget.
Resurfacing is a regularly scheduled operation that repairs defects on the surface of the roadway by replacing the top layer of asphalt pavement. Once a street is resurfaced, it becomes a protected street for five years and is less likely to succumb to pothole formation. It also serves to prevent issues like cracking, hummocks, bumps, and patches.
Stay up to date on DOT’s resurfacing schedule and for information about DOT’s ongoing efforts to address potholes and maintain more than 6,000 miles of roadway, visit DOT’s website, and please report any pothole condition to The Daily Pothole or to 311.
