Local Law 145 of 2013: Vehicle Emission Law

Background on Law

Local Law 145 of 2013 is New York City’s vehicle emissions law.  Passed in December 2013, the law seeks to reduce the pollutants emitted by heavy duty trade waste vehicles (diesel-fuel powered vehicles with a gross weight of over 16,000 pounds).

Beginning January 1, 2020, private trade waste carting companies that have a license or registration with the New York City Business Integrity Commission (BIC) must comply with the requirements of Local Law 145 of 2013.  

Local Law 145 provides that heavy duty trade waste hauling vehicles must be equipped with an EPA certified 2007 or later engine, or utilize Best Available Retrofit Technology on 2006 and older engines.  Under the law, BIC may issue a temporary waiver of the law’s requirements based on financial hardship to a company that properly submitted an application for a waiver on or before January 1, 2019, or to a company that applies for a BIC license or registration for the first time after January 1, 2019, and submits an application for a financial hardship waiver on or before the date the company applies for a license or registration.

Certification of Correction

Certification of Correction
Procedures for Order to Correct and Certification of Correction



LL 145 Law
LL 145 BIC PowerPoint
LL 145 Flowchart
LL145 Compliance Checklist
Financial Hardship Waiver Rule
DEP Website re Emissions From Transportation