Learn how to upload and link documents in your contracts, invoices, requisitions, and more.
Note: The screenshots used in this guide show the steps an agency user would take to upload and link documents to a contract. However, both agencies and vendors can apply these steps to any process or task including RFx, invoices, and more.
Important: If you are uploading or linking a document as part of a task in PASSPort, documents cannot be removed (unlinked) after the task is submitted. Be sure you are uploading/linking the correct document(s) with the correct document type before submitting or approving the task.
Note: Up to 10 documents can be uploaded simultaneously, as long as the documents combined do not exceed 300MB.
The Upload Document window closes, and the newly uploaded document appears on the Manage Documents window.
On the Link from PASSPort Vault window, all documents in your organization's Vault are visible. You can search for documents using the search bar or filter by Organization (if you belong to multiple organizations), Location in the Vault, or Document Type.
Note: Only one file can be linked at a time.
The Link from PASSPort Vault window closes, and the newly linked document appears on the Manage Documents window. Repeat the steps in this section to link additional files.
Note: If a non-PDF document is uploaded or linked from the Vault, the document is automatically converted to PDF and a copy will be linked to the original.
Documents are visible in a table below the Manage Documents button.