Coordinated Assessment and Placement System (CAPS) Committee

The Coordinated Assessment and Placement System Committee (CAPS) Committee is a Standing Committee of the NYC continuum of Care (CoC). CAPS Committee is the governing body of CAPS in New York City and is the Coordinated Entry (CE) Policy Oversight Entity, authorized by the NYC CoC. The committee reviews and provides feedback on any additions or enhancements to the CAPS system. Specific workgroups and subcommittees are formed as needed by the committee to address HUD requirements around policies and procedures, marketing and stakeholder engagement, housing data collection, evaluation metrics and measures, and any other work that arises. The workgroups report back to the CAPS Committee, who then provides recommendations for implementation. Any recommendations that significantly change the system require a CoC vote.

Co-Chair Contact Information

Membership & Meeting Information

CAPS Committee membership is based on representation of diverse stakeholders. Membership requests can be submitted to the CAPS cochairs via the CoC.

CAPS Policy & Procedures

For additional information, please see CAPS Policies & Procedures.


Continuous Systems Improvement (CSI) Sub-Committee

CSI is a permanent sub-committee of the CAPS Steering Committee. The CSI Sub-Committee works closely with DSS, the evaluation entity, in the planning of the annual CE evaluation and the identification of policy and process improvements. The CSI Sub-Committee members are appointed by the CAPS Committee and include representatives from local government, referral agencies, placement entities, community members, persons with lived experience, and other relevant stakeholders.