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Training Programs

The Center provides various free training courses to New York City agencies and employees. Some examples of trainings are:

Listening and Communication Skills

"It is not what you say, but how you say it."  This training uses role-plays and experiential learning to provide helpful tools on how to re-structure dialogue that de-escalates conflict.

Understanding Conflict Dynamics

This training explores common responses to conflict, the costs and barriers of conflict, and ways to shift conflict dynamics.  Participants have an opportunity to practice stepping back/giving space to the conflict, and begin consciously assessing and responding to conflict creatively.

Neuroscience of Conflict

This training explores conflict through a different lens: the way the brain reacts during conflict.  Participants will explore scientific and biological theories to understand how our brain processes and reacts in conflict situations. 

Negotiation Techniques

Using role plays and group exercises, this training highlights negotiation themes such as integrative and distributive bargaining, interest-based conversations and effective group decision making. 

Mediator Skills

This training provides an opportunity to learn the techniques mediators use to facilitate a conversation. Participants will learn skills such as reflection, looping, identifying issues and interests and generating options.

Stress and Wellness

Stress manifests in every workplace. This training will focus on stress management techniques that can become personal practices, such as mindfulness, Aikido, yoga and storytelling. 

Train the Trainer

This training is focused on building the capacity of individuals in a team or agency who are in a position to deliver concrete conflict management workshops to their agencies. This intensive training offers the opportunity for mentorship with the Center's staff. 

Customized Training

We work alongside NYC agencies to tailor trainings that respond specifically to their needs, target audience and time limitations.

To see our upcoming programs, please check out our Training Calendar.