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Department of Forensic Biology

Forensic Biology Manuals

All Manuals for the Department of Forensic Biology can be found below based on the date the manual was effective.  Dates are listed as MMDDYY.

Descriptions of Manuals

Management System Manual: The Management System Manual is the top tier document in the management system. It provides an overall guide to the management/quality system of the Department of Forensic Biology. It contains references to other management system documents that have more detailed information.

Administrative Manual: This manual contains procedures with laboratory-wide application pertaining to laboratory planning, organization, and documentation.

Evidence and Case Management Manual: This manual contains procedures related to (1) evidence intake, distribution, and return; and (2) case handling, including evidence examination guidelines; handling, evaluation, and troubleshooting of cases which are in progress; report writing and reviews.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manual: This manual contains procedures pertaining to the Department's quality assurance and quality control activities, for example, proficiency testing, reagent preparation and performance testing, validation, and equipment calibration and maintenance programs.

Scientific Procedures Manuals:  These manuals are the Serology Procedures Manual, Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manual, Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analysis Manual and Protocols for Molecular Serology Manual. These manuals contain current procedures pertaining to the analytical testing of biological specimens.

Training Manual: The Training Manual details in-house training in the Department.

CODIS Manual: The CODIS Manual details the protocols associated with verifying, uploading, and reporting of forensic profiles in relation to the CODIS system.

Click a year range or press the enter key on a year range to reveal the associated manuals.

Manuals effective June 20, 2016 - Current

2014-June 2016

Manuals in use before the first date effective listed can be found in the 2010-2013 section of this site.

1 – Management System Manual

2 - Administrative Manual

3 – Evidence and Case Management Manuals

4 – Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manuals

5 –Serology Procedures Manual

6 – Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manuals

7 – Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analysis Manuals

8 – Training Manual

9 – CODIS Manual


Manuals in use before the first date effective listed will be found in the 2005-2009 section of this site.
Any manuals below with the name "in effect for" may contain more than one version of each section.  Please check the date effective of each section when multiple sections are present. For CODIS Manuals, use the "Last Revised" date.

1 – Management System Manual

2 - Administrative Manual

3 – Evidence and Case Management Manuals

4 – Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manuals

5 –Serology Procedures Manual

6 – Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manuals

7 – Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analysis Manuals

8 – Training Manual

9 – CODIS Manual


Manuals in use before the first date effective listed will be found in the 2000-2004 section of this site.

1 - Administrative Manual

2 - Case Management Manuals

3 – Quality Assurance Manuals

4 – Biochemistry Manual

5 – Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manuals

6 – Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analysis Manuals

7 – Protocols for Low Copy Number DNA Analysis Manuals

See Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manuals effective 060808 for further low copy number procedures.

8 – Training Manual

9 – FTIR – Condom Trace Evidence Manual

10 – CODIS Manual

11 – Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction Manual


Manuals in use before the first date effective listed will be found in the 1995-1999 section of this site.

1 - Administrative Manual

2 - Case Management Manuals

3 – Quality Assurance Manuals

4 – Biochemistry Manual

5 – Protocols for Forensic STR Analysis Manuals

6 – Protocols for Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analysis Manual

7 – Training Manual

8 – FTIR – Condom Trace Evidence Manual

9 – CODIS Manual


Manuals in use before the first date effective listed should be found in the 1992-1994 section of this site.

1 – Administrative and Quality Assurance Manual

2 – Biochemistry Manual

3 – Molecular Biology DNA Quality Control Manuals

4 – Molecular Biology Solutions Manuals

5 - Protocols for Forensic PCR/STR Analysis

6 – Protocols for Forensic Biology RFLP Analysis

7 – Case Management Manual
