All TLC Drivers (Medallion, Street Hail Livery and For Hire Vehicle) must attend and complete a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Training Course to maintain their license. A license will not be issued or renewed if the course is not taken.
Download Chapter 80 - Drivers of Taxicabs, For-Hire Vehicles and Street Hail Liveries (PDF) for more details.
As a driver of a wheelchair accessible taxicab, you must help a wheelchair passenger to and from the sidewalk curb. You must also secure the passenger and his/her belongings in the vehicle. Time for unloading may not be charged.
After you complete WAV training you may be eligible for payments from the TLC of $1 for each trip you complete in a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. For more information visit Taxi Improvement Fund (TIF).
For a list of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Training locations visit Driver Education.