Community Hiring


The Office of Community Hiring (OCH)’s mission is to use the City’s purchasing power to drive economic mobility by connecting City vendors with a pipeline of talent and creating pathways to careers for our community.

About Community Hiring 

The City of New York provides a wide range of services for New Yorkers – from designing parks and playgrounds, to providing health services and childcare, to repairing roads and bridges. To make this possible, the City contracts with vendors, which include businesses and nonprofits. These vendors provide billions of dollars' worth of services every year.

OCH was established to use the City’s purchasing power to advance a more equitable and inclusive economy. In November 2023, the Governor signed State legislation that gives the City the authority to set Community Hiring goals in contracts for vendors to provide employment and apprenticeship opportunities to low-income individuals and those living in economically disadvantaged communities. Community Hiring goals will apply to procurement contracts for industries such as construction, building services, technology services, human services, and more. Community Hiring will enable qualified job seekers to connect with opportunities and City vendors to access a pipeline of talent more easily. By embedding equity and opportunity into City procurement, Community Hiring aims to strengthen the City’s workforce, uplift communities, and drive more inclusive economic growth.

OCH is part of the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Workforce Development (NYC Talent). OCH is responsible for managing the rollout and implementation of Community Hiring, supporting City agencies and vendors, and reporting on Community Hiring goals. To learn more about Community Hiring, visit