

This C.B. Committee focuses on the many pluses and minuses affecting a part of the City that is one of its furthest south areas. During the summer activities throughout the area, traffic remains a critical issue, with only a handful of routes out of the peninsula when needed, as well as the same routes used by millions leaving the bustling days and nights of Brighton Beach and Coney Island. There are traffic and transit issues for the residents of these areas, as well as with Sea Gate and Gravesend. Transit questions are in the forefront – the best way to deal with the multitude of bus and rail lines in and out of the area. How can public transportation be improved for the ever-growing population? What can be done with the chronic needs of traffic and parking? The Committee must work on the means for all thriving sectors of the city and its economy to deal with the fastest, safest, and most reliable means in and out of Community Board 13’s districts.