We need all New Yorkers to complete the census immediately. The exact deadline of the census is uncertain and we need to get as many New Yorkers as possible counted right now.
Learn more about Countdown to Our Future: Time is Running Out
In order to go "All In NYC", we need every New Yorker to complete the 2020 Census.
If we're not counted, it's like we don't exist. Critical decisions about our communities, including our hospitals are determined by the census, and we could lose 2 seats in Congress if we aren't counted.
The census will impact our representation in Congress and critical funding our community needs.
100 years ago the 19th Amendment was officially ratified as part of the U.S. Constitution. However, the fight for women's suffrage was not over. Moreover, the history of the suffrage movement (like the history of the census) is fraught with racism.
But due to the pandemic, some New Yorkers have temporarily left their homes. If on April 1 you considered your primary home to be in New York City, regardless of where you are sheltering for COVID-19, you should put that on your census form.
The census is ending soon! We need to get out the count to ensure that all New Yorkers get the funding and political representation we deserve.
Did you know that, 50 years ago, Shirley Chisholm fought to ensure that Black voices were counted in the census—by becoming a census taker?
Black Lives Matter is more than a hashtag. It's a call to not only recognize systemic injustices but also to work to dismantle them. The 2020 Census is part of that critical work.
Black New Yorkers have been on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. To keep frontline workers — and the healthcare, education, emergency response, and transportation systems they run — fully resourced for the next 10 years and beyond, we need every single New Yorker to complete the 2020 Census.
Even though the census does not represent the full spectrum of our lives and experiences, we need to be counted: hundreds of billions of dollars are on the line, including funds for many programs that directly support the LGBTQ+ community, like jobs programs, housing, education, senior centers, and HIV-prevention programs.
To keep our communities fully resourced—not just through the duration of this pandemic, but for the next decade—every New Yorker needs to be counted in the 2020 Census. No matter your housing situation, age, or immigration status, it's important to fill out the census. Your information is 100% confidential and protected by law. Your answers cannot be shared with your landlord, NYCHA, or any law enforcement agency.
NYC healthcare workers are fighting on the frontlines against the COVID-19 pandemic right now — and they need our help to keep them funded and resourced to keep fighting for us over the next decade. By filling out the 2020 Census, we can each do our part to make sure NYC's health system has the full federal funding we need to keep our communities safe and healthy for years to come. The more of us are counted, the more money we get.
As NYC recovers from COVID-19, we have been indebted to the incredible efforts of the health care workers supporting our city through this difficult moment. All of us owe an immense debt to them, which is why New Yorkers from across the city have been clapping for health care workers as a way to say thank you. But just as they've stepped up for us, we need to step up for them: by turning claps to clicks, and filling out the 2020 Census.
Whether you own or rent your home, are on the lease or not on the lease, are documented or undocumented, the census is for you.
Learn more about the "Yes, You Fill Out the Census" campaign
In 2010, only 62% of New Yorkers filled out the census. Money for schools, roads, health care and more are on the line if we don't fill it out.